Ihr Warenkorb



19866th Asean Orchid Congress

inkl. MwSt (7.6%)

In den Warenkorb
Date of Issue 7 November, 1986
1: Vanda Varavuth, the quarter terete leaf type in a new method of genetifcs which makes the flower grows quickly and bloom more beautifully.
2:Ascocenda Emma, the quarter terete leaf type in a new method of genetics which makes the flower grows quickly and bloom more beautiful.
3:Dendrobium Sri-Siam, the Cane type hybrid which was developed from many steps of hybridized breeding.It is now a favourite as a cut-flower
4:Dendrobium Ekapol "PANDA" , the phalacnopsis type which can be descriped in two tones of colour.
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